Our manifesto is based on the founding values of Italian Hospitality, a unique heritage of values in the world.
Hospitality is a common good, a collective heritage.
Hospitality is a feeling towards the other, it is wanting his/her good.
Smiles are the mirror of hospitality.
Hospitality is a great civil custom, a style that unites mankind.
Hospitality is an exchange of emotions, an experience of equality.
Hosting is an infinite embrace that unites mankind.
Hospitality is to love and to be proud of one’s place.
Hospitality is substance through form.
Hospitality is serving with dignity.
“Which definition could be suitable for hospitality?
Asked the youngest of the disciples to the master.
Each definition is in itself a reduction and hospitality does not bear any limitations
– replied the master. “
Edmond Jabès, The book of hospitality.
There is a space for a deep concept of hospitality.
Hospitality is a great civil custom, to be built and spread. A custom as a unanimous and common good: unanimous because hospitality is the origin of a community, the evidence of its making and existing, a way of existing for everyone; common because it is the origin of care for places and people, now and in the future, a care that concerns businesses, schools, training, people and institutions. Finally, it is a common good because it is itself a good that must be defended, a way of life, a culture, which makes possible all kinds of hospitality. A value to be promoted and transmitted.
Hospitality is care.
Care is in turn the origin of quality, therefore something specific and peculiar to each theme and person: nature, economy, lives, training, a well-done job. Hospitality as an acceptance of specific values, as ambition and the hope of knowing how to build a cluster of them. To host is to communicate and to listen, in all its meanings.
Building and describing hospitality as an immense common good means enhancing civil and economic development.
Italy, a country that cannot be matched for the wealth of goods it offers, for the wealth of differences that manage to be common and connected, needs to support this good, and to know how to be “hospitable”.
Hosting is the custom of democracy.